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Sunday, June 07, 2009

.: Combine EJA cell retreat :.

Me blogged @ | 12:37 AM

Fellowship outing
on Friday 5 june 2009

Me blogged @ | 12:33 AM

Saturday, June 06, 2009

.: Our Crazy Sentosa trip on 17th may 2009 :.

Me blogged @ | 11:38 PM

.: Testimony on finishing the race with victory‏ :.

Dearest family,
I was so absolutely amazed as I read those devotions that I have shared about my journey with God for the past three years in my university life. I could not help but was truely grateful to God as I recounted back on every single grace and favour that he has blessed me with. First of all, let me gave thanks to God for blessing me with an A- in my Final Year Project and Professional Communication module. This was indeed a significant encouragement to me as it testified of God’s faithfulness and grace.

I prayed that even as you read this testimony, God will speaks deeply to your heart that you too can experience and taste God’s goodness in your life. The time when I started my university studies also marked the time when I came to know the Lord, Jesus Christ. It was definitely not a smooth sailing journey for me as I started off with lots of struggling in my studies and even received an academic warning from the school due to extreme poor grades in my first semester. As I just came to know the lord, I did not know how to tap on God’s strength and neither leading a positive attitude for Christ. I always seemed to be handling negative thoughts that I could not do well in my exams and often fell into a self-pity mode. It was definitely a battle of my mind and emotions.

However, due to the spirit of obedience that the lord has blessed me with, I was disciplined in the words of God. It was not a hundred percents consistency in my daily quiet time but at least I could assure that I did not abandon the bible or miss out the church services. And as all of us are human beings, it was normal that at times when we faced stress during trials, we tend to reduce our trust in the lord and try to rely on our own flesh. This happened to me countless time when I seemed to fall into the valley of Baca and experienced the silent moment from God, not knowing that he has a plan for me and was moulding me in terms of my trust and faith in him.

To shorten my testimony, definitely not because of little miracles along my journey but too much to list it down one by one that it could be compiled into a book, I will straight away shared with you my victory in the last episode of my university life. Throughout my three years, I have being faithfully serving God whenever I am called by my leader but this year was more special as I was given the opportunity to be part of the celebration ministry in the church. It was a step of great faith for me because this year was also considered the most hectic year in my studies due to my final year project. However, God has burned in my heart a passion to serve in the chorale and as such I was having my rehearsal on a weekly basis which means sacrificing more time from my project. Initially, it was not easy as I separated serving God with my studies and most of my non-believer friends do not understand why am I committing those precious time in church activities. The breakthrough came when I was called to volunteer to serve in the G12 conference and it was only one week before my final report submission. It was a struggle as I have not even started with one page of the report in which was supposed to be done eight months ago. However, I did not want to miss out the opportunity to serve in the chorale for G12. Without considering much, I went ahead and was thinking at the back of my mind that I can be a superwomen using one week to finish up an eight months report. I went with peace and joy in the serving but after the G12 conference, I panicked and realized that it was impossible for me to complete my report on time.

It was really a moment when I decided to skip my QT (but it didn’t apply before G12) so that I could earn extra time in the report. Things didn’t go smoothly and I faced extreme critical situation when I did not have a proper laptop to type my report and my file always seemed to have trouble saving or retrieving. It was only at that stressful moment when God showed me 2 Cronicles 20:17-18 in which I have shared in my previous devotion. The lord prompted me to take up my position to worship and praise him before I continued with my report just like how Jehoshaphat and his people followed God’s instruction to take their position (worship) and calm themselves down before facing their enemies. They fixed their focus on God rather then the situation and that was what I needed at that moment.

I turned my focus onto God and started to surrender my situation to him. I applied what God has showed me and begun to worship and praise him at the start and in the midst of typing my report. As I started to integrate worships and praises into my work, my burden was lifted off and my faith was gradually stirred up in trusting God even though the situation remained unchanged. God’s favor was indeed upon me as my professor agreed to extend my deadline to two more weeks upon request. I continued to serve chorale weekly and my QT did not cease. I tapped onto God’s strength in my report and eventually situation started to change. I found efficiency and effectiveness in my researching and before long; I realized that I had completed my report. Although it was not a professional report but I trust God that the product of my report belongs to him and it was definitely not because of how good I am, but by his grace and mercy that led me to the completion of the report. I put total confidence in him as I experienced how much he had pulled me through the tough situation and no matter what was the outcome; I would still continued to praise him. I learnt to release my faith and by doing that God was able to release his good work in me.

God was indeed faithful as he really blessed me with an A- in my FYP. It was a miracle for me as this was the third As that I have obtained throughout my three years in NTU. I cried the moment I saw the A- in my result slip not because I never see it before but it was a sign of God’s love to me. At times when I choose to give up, he never let me go but ensure that I can stand firm as a precious child of God.

I ended the race with victory because of God’s faithfulness. He does not only blessed me with one A- but also blessed me with an A- in my professional communication module. It was indeed a double portion of blessing. This encouraged me a lot because I had little confidence in that module due to my weakness in my English language. However, that’s not true for God. He created me wonderfully, not lacking in any part and he strengthen my weaknesses as I placed my uttermost confidence in him. Glory to God!

Therefore, I encouraged all of you to fix your eyes upon Jesus. You are his precious children and there is nothing that can withhold him from blessing you. The process may be slow but that was how God showed his miracle to Elijah in 1 King 18:42-45. God promised an abundance of rain to Elijah and he went up to the top of Mount carmel, got down on his knees with his forehead to the ground. In that position of worship, he sent his servant to run back and forth several times to check if it was going to rain. However, seven times his servant came back with disappointing results. Elijah never gave up but just said, “Go again” despite the negative reports. Doubts may have caused Elijah to give up but worship kept him strong. And finally, the servant came back and reported to him,” Well, I do see one small cloud about the size of a man’s hand.” Hallelujah! The small cloud eventually increased and brought abundance of rain. Today if your faith is as small as the cloud of the man’s hand or of the mustard seed, do not give up as God’s love and faithfulness can never fail!
God bless You,
Love,Si Jia

Me blogged @ | 12:59 AM

.: 4th JUne Devotion‏ :.

Evening Girls...
It has been so many days of talk and talk till I feel like my brain is dead! Haha.. finally tomorow I can go SAF airbase.. think its at last something different for a change!

How has everyone been over this week. Dont forget our retreat this coming Sat, 6th June. I believe Joadine have sent to you all the details. Do come as its going be the only time in the holidays where we get to meet up.

I have a few things in mind to share, but I think we should look back upon what Pastor shared last Sun.

Philippians 2:15
15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
Romans 16:19
19Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
Matthew 10:16
16I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

1. BE THE BEST : In order to shine, we must try to be the best in what we do
I just checked my results and I only got a PASS for my recent practicum. I guess the rest of my practicum collegue got credit. You can say I am a little disappointed, but I realised maybe I have not really given my best. I did not seriously go into thinking through my Maths lesson plans.
After hearing so much talk about starting out as a beginning teacher for us over the pass few days, I think I really need to take on a more serious attitude when school starts and to give my best

How do you all rate yourselves at your schools or workplace? Are you giving in your best?

2. BE A BLESSING: The 100k blessing is to be a lifestyle
I have been constantly seeking opportunities as I go to sch to bless someone. Yes and finally I manage to bless one of my classmate today, all because I was in school early and he was also the only one who was early as well! Haha...

Maybe you all can share how the Lord has use you to be a blessing this week?

3. BELIEVE : How willing are you to accept your role as being "sent" by the Lord into the Marketplace among the "Wolves"
I am willing and want to constantly on gard against Wolves.
What do you all think distinguishes a person who knows that she is sent by God into that marketplace?
I think its the attitude in doing things, really doing and serving out of a heart to please God and no one else. On top of the attitude, its also the heart of doing, what's that inner motivation in doing. For God's glory or for our own achievements?
Think about it!

God Bless
Ju Lee :P

Me blogged @ | 12:55 AM

.: 3th June Devotion‏ :.

Good evening Girls...
Actually its really late already, 1152pm. Reached home at around 1110pm after the Youth leader's meeting! Super drained now.. with having to get up again at 7am tomorrow morning! These few days are like no day no night... Amazing how I am still here...

Want to encourage you all to read through 1 Kings 18 and 19 for your daily devotions for the next two days. I will touch on that a little more in my other 2 mails. Was too tired yesterday to send my devotion and really feel like not sending anything today as well, just go and sleep since I am so so so tired. However I choose to still make myself type finish this before I sleep.

Ps Julie shared something with us at the Youth Net meeting. She asked us all to pray against the Negative Spirit which seems to be looming and tieing us down, causing us to be discourage. I totally agree when I heard what she shared.

1. Negitive self image: Hence we need to meet up to the world image and follow them
2. Negitave thoughts: Either on a situation or on some people. It can also be due to disappointment in God or praying so hard yet not fully believing that God can make it happen...

There is much more to talk about on these two points, however I do agree I have many negative thoughts, of defeat, of wanting to just give up ministry, even when I encounter problems or challenges in my own relationship with Junhao, I also will think rather negative at matters sometimes.
Its sad we just have no choice but to live in a world that celebrates on the wrong, the bad and the negative, and positive, sucess are rare things.

Think through if you have any negative self image or negative thoughts? Repent of them now and embrace the postive image and thoughts from the Lord today!

God Bless
Ju Lee
Super tired!!!!!

Me blogged @ | 12:53 AM

.: 1st June Devotion‏ :.

Hi Girls...
Did not manage to write my devotion this morning.. Since I had to reach NIE by 9am.. So initially thought need to reach at 830am so left house really early. Am dead tired now.. Furthermore the talks I had today was like not very helpful. On well.. haha it will be another 4 days of such talks.. Haha... Anyway thankfully for my friend who will be giving me a lift down to NIE for the next few days, I am intending to bless her with the bottle of water which I got from GDOP, together with my 100K blessing card! Pray along with me that there will be open opportunities.

How was the GDOP for you all? Do take time to share for those who went. I dont believe it is just a short time of coming together and pray. As I sand the song "We speak to Nations" I felt a tug of sadness in my heart. It had been something I have not experienced for some time.

I guess over the pass week, I have been constantly asking God to allow me to understand the youths of today, their likes, why they behave in certain ways, how then can I connect with them? Haha maybe some of you can help me with this by allowing me to understand the way you all think better! Haha...

Acts 2: 38
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."
40With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." 41Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

I felt God was telling me just that from these verses as I read through Acts 2 again. He wanted me to warn those who are lost, those who are living in sin, those who know God yet are not walking right in the eyes of God. Not only to warn them but to plead with them to save themselves from this corrupt generation and to get them to repent and be baptize.

I guess in a way I do lost that zeal to really bring down things which are wrong, and in a way have been compromising God's standards. If I do not be the one who warn and plead, then who will? God promised with those who accepted this message, comes along with it many more salvations!
Maybe God is also calling some of you to move out to warn and plead, ot maybe to repent and save yourselves.

I want to claim that as we work through our lives, as we allow God to use us, thousands will be added, salvations will come!

God Bless
Ju Lee :P

Me blogged @ | 12:44 AM